Day 1 -Globetrotting Cowgirl arrives at Dingle Horseriding

Emerging from my car after the 4 hour drive to Dingle I was welcomed by the soothing sound of wagging tails thumping rhythmically on the ground, ducks splashing and quacking blissfully in the pond and the low constant clucking of the hens as they scratched around their coop….bliss.I had to pull myself away from the hypnotising views of the bay and the village below as I made my way towards home for the next few nights, The Lodge at Dingle Horseriding.The Dingle Peninsula stretches 48kms into the mighty Atlantic ocean on the south-west coast of Ireland.Dominated by a range of mountains that form it’s spine, Slieve Mish to the Conor Pass and Mount Brandon, it’s magnificent coastline consists of steep sea-cliffs such as Slea Head, dramatic headlands and beautiful sandy beaches….the perfect landscape to explore on horse.Cantering along the near deserted beaches of Béal Bán and Wine Strand, cooling our horses in the gentle, rolling waves and climbing high amongst the purple and gold heathers for a birds eye view of Dingle was not a bad way to start the trail.

Globetrotting Cowgirl, Writer Travelling the world on horseback, getting off the beaten track on four hooves! Horse-Riding, Travel, Yoga, Natural Horsemanship, Meditation, Reading, Writing, Photography, Exploring and Adventure!