Saddle Fitting with Lauren Coxhead from Saddles Ireland
We recently had Lauren Coxhead from Saddles Ireland with us for a saddle fitting to make sure our horses are kept comfortable and happy View
Good morning Susan, I want to thank you for the most wonderful experience, it was what I imagined it would be and much more! Luce
Dear Susan, I Just wanted to let you know how much Emily and I enjoyed our ride yesterday! It was an amazing day-Homer is the

Hello Dingle Horse Riding Team
Hello Dingle Horse Riding Team, I visited Dingle and had the pleasure of taking the Shamrock Trail with Rosie. I had such an amazing time

Day 6 – the Dunes at INCH beach ‘FREEDOM’ with Eric & Portia.
There had been a very distinct buzz amongst the guides at Dingle Horseriding about what lay in store for the final day of the trail,

Day 5 – 7.5 hours in the saddle, utter tranquility along the Wild Atlantic & Dingle Peninsula Way
The view from my window this morning was breath-taking. The sea was a blanket of tranquillity, calm and smooth, the Maharees Islands (Seven Hogs) emerging